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About the life of the he-goats

There are all sorts of he-goats, mainly white ones. Every single one of us shoulders the blame, at least once in a lifetime.
The scapegoat is a necessary link in the complex chain of human relations. Always a trespasser, Simple or Wise, Naïve or Saint, he comes from somewhere else, he puts his horned head out of the window – who knows if he can bring it back again – to keep it for more adventures.
I am deeply attached to my he-goat. He is a part of who I am. To protect him, I put him inside my paintings in the shape of a clay statuette (still vulnerable however).
Look at him carefully: a crown on the horns, he stoppes by for a cup of tea, or maybe he is in love; I am sure you know him.

Please, protect the he-goats!
Anna Doumler